R.O.A.L Series Synopsis
Enter a world of supernatural fantasy set in a modern-day, fast-paced setting. ROOT, a secret organization that does not align itself with any of the world’s many governments, is a militant group comprised of spies, soldiers, scientists, doctors, hackers, and assassins. Specializing in finding gifted beings to join their ranks, ROOT employs their assistance to aid in their global mission of protecting world peace. There are over eighty secret bases spread throughout the world and thousands of sleeper agents posing as simple civilians within ‘normal’ everyday societies.
Upon signage with ROOT, the real-world identities of each agent are erased from society, effectively making them ghosts of people who never were, true remnants of another life. And only the most elite of agents make up departmental specialty teams units — enter ROOT’s infamous Reconnaissance Alpha Team.
The Remnants Of Another Life series combines elements of Mission Impossible and X-Men with a heavy dose of smoldering romance tightly woven in-between. Missions are fast-paced, dangerous, and often violent. Agent off time is often humorous, sexy, and character reflective.Â
Take the journey with agents Wraith and Fang as they try to navigate through their complicated relationship in a world where antagonists usually have the best intentions and the decisions to ‘harm to protect’ usually come with an unsettling moral price. In the ROAL world, nothing is ever clearly black or white and like reality, peace never seems to last for very long.